Install & Project Setup

These instructions cover deployment to a production environment. Setup for a development on a personal desktop machine environment will be similar, but items marked (production only) may be skipped.

Infrastructure Requirements

The following services are required to run the Seedlot Selection Tool.


This document covers installing the application stack on Linux using Nginx for a webserver proxy and Gunicorn for a WSGI server. You can certainly use other software to fill these needs.

It’s a good idea to be familiar with deploying Django in a production environment (production only):

Clone Project

Choose a location for the project directory (e.g., /home/sst/apps/). Navigate to the directory, and clone the repository and sub-modules:

$ git checkout
$ cd seedlot-selection-tool && git submodule init && git submodule update

Install Dependencies

Install all infrastructure requirements first. Install `Pipenv<>`_ and use it to set up your Python environment and install dependencies:

$ pipenv install

You may find that some packages fail to install, complaining about missing libraries (.so files, or .dll on Windows). If this happens, install those libraries using your system’s package manager, for example (for psycopg2):

$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev


It’s recommended that you not use the root account to run your application or web server. Instead, use one account for nginx (if you install nginx through a package managet, this should be done automatically) and another account for the application itself (e.g., seedsource). It’s also recommended to create a Python virtual environment as the application user and use it to install all Python dependencies and run all Python commands.


GDAL will probably be the most challenging dependency to get installed. You may need to have the GDAL development libraries installed first, and if you get stuck, search for installing GDAL Python for your platform. Once GDAL is installed, everything else should be easier.

Setup & Configuration

Make sure PostgreSQL (+PostGIS), Nginx, Supervisor, and RabbitMQ are installed, running, and configured to start at launch. Create a spatially-enabled database, and a database user for the application (e.g., seedsource).

Configure Django

Create a file in seedlot-selectiont-tool directory called config.json. Add the following to this file, and fill out the values:

  "amqp_username": "",
  "amqp_password": "",
  "django_secret_key": "",
  "db_password": ""

You can also add the following optional keys to your config.json:

    "raven_dsn": "",
    "logfile_path": "",
    "db_name": "",
    "db_user": "",
    "db_host": ""

These keys are needed for social authentication:

    "google_oauth2_key": "",
    "google_oauth2_secret": "",
    "facebook_key": "",
    "facebook_secret": "",
    "twitter_key": "",
    "twitter_secret": ""

For social auth to work, make sure access to user email is activated by the OAuth providers.

Create a new Python module in seedlot-selection-tool/source/sst_project/settings called Add he following to this new file:

from .production import *  # For development, import from .local instead

ALLOWED_HOSTS = []  # Add your host name or names here. E.g., ''

# Set this to the directory you will serve GeoTIFF downloads from. It must be writable by the application user
# and readable by the nginx user.
DATASET_DOWNLOAD_DIR = '/var/www/downloads/'


You can also add additional settings to or override settings specified in and as needed.

Run the database migrations:

$ python migrate

Configure Supervisor (production only)

If you don’t have a supervisor configuration file already, create one with:

$ echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisord.conf

Edit /etc/supervisord.conf and add programs for gunicorn, celery, and celery beat, filling in the paths as needed:

command=/path/to/bin/gunicorn --bind= --pid=/path/to/ --error-logfile=/path/to/error.log --timeout=180 --graceful-timeout=180 --workers=4 seedsource_project.wsgi:application

command=/path/to/bin/celery -A seedsource_project worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=1

command=/path/to/bin/celery -A seedsource_project beat --loglevel=info

Restart the supervisord process.

Configure Nginx (production only)

Edit your nginx configuration and add a location directive for the seedsource application, a location directive for your static files, and a location directive for dataset downloads:

location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_pass http://app_server;

location /static/ {
    alias /var/www/static/;

location /downloads/ {
    alias /var/www/downloads/;


If you want to store the static files in another location, you will also need to override the STATIC_ROOT setting in

Restart or reload nginx.

Build & Deploy Static Content

Navigate to the seedsource root directory, install the npm dependencies, and run the build script:

$ npm install
$ npm run-script webpack_production
$ npm run-script merge-regions

If you are running a local development environment, instead of the above, run npm start:

$ npm install
$ npm merge-regions
$ npm start

One this completes, navigate to the source folder and run the collectstatic manage command (production only):

$ python collectstatic

You should now be able to access the tool at http://<your-server>/sst/. Of course, for it to be useful, you will need data. This is covered in the Adding Data document.