Adding Data

The Seedlot Seletion Tool depends on three types of data: climate data, as NetCDF files; region boundary data, as shapefiles; and seed zone data, also as shapefiles.

Climate Data

Climate data is represented as ncdjango services. To import the data, first place your data in your NC_SERVICE_DATA_ROOT directory (see Install & Project Setup) under a directory named regions. The data should be in a directory matching the region the data are for. The DEM should be placed in the directory for the region and named <region> Sub-directories should be created for each year / climate scenario. For example, the directory structure for the west2 region should be:

+-- regions
|   +-- west2
|   |   +-- 1961_1990Y
|   |   +-- 1991_2010Y
|   |   +-- rcp45_2025Y
|   |   +-- rcp45_2055Y
|   |   +-- rcp45_2085Y
|   |   +-- rcp85_2025Y
|   |   +-- rcp85_2055Y
|   |   +-- rcp85_2085Y
|   |   +--

Inside each directory for a year/scenario, each climate variable dataset should be named according to region, RCP, year, and variable name in the following format: <region>_<rcp45/rcp85>_<year>Y_<variable>.nc. The current (1961_1990) and historic (1981_2010) years should not include an RCP. For example, the contents of the 1961_1990Y and rcp45_2025Y directories for the west2 region should be:

+-- 1961_1990Y
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- <...>
+-- rcp45_2025Y
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--

Once all the data is in place, you can run the following command to create services for the region elevation and all climate variables:

$ python populate_services <region>

The command will assume the variables: 'MAT', 'MWMT', 'MCMT', 'TD', 'MAP', 'MSP', 'AHM', 'SHM', 'DD_0', 'DD5', 'FFP', 'PAS', 'EMT', 'EXT', 'Eref', 'CMD' and the years: '1961_1990', '1981_2010', 'rcp45_2025', 'rcp45_2055', 'rcp45_2085', 'rcp85_2025', 'rcp85_2055', 'rcp85_2085'. If you are using difference variables and/or years, you will need to edit the script, which is located at source/seedsource/management/commands/

Region Boundary Data

You should simplify your boundary data before importing it into the tool. Next, import the region into the tool:

$ python add_region <region> <path to shapefile>

You should also convert the region boundary to GeoJSON and, it to the directory sst/static/geometry/<region>_boundary.json, and re-run:

$ npm run-script merge-regions

Seed Zone Data

You can import prepared seedzone with the following command:

$ python import_seed_zones <path_to_zones_file>.zip

After importing the zones, you should run the calculate_zone_transfers command to generate transfer limits for each zone and elevation band (you will need to have service data for the appropriate region loaded first). Running the command with no arguments will process all zone sets:

$ python calculate_zone_transfers

Running the command with a source argument will process only zones for a single set:

$ python calculate_zone_transfers region9